Actions and Events 2010

Goolengook 1997-2010

celebrate the defence of Goolengook

13 years
300+ arrests
3000ha saved

Who says direct action doesnt work!

Come to goolengook to celebrate the protection of this icon forest area - click here for flyer and more details

Kick Reflex out of Native Forest

Kick Reflex out of our forests - Campaign launch

Saturday 27th February
12 noon
Maryvale Mill - La Trobe Valley, near Morwell, 160 km East of Melbourne

Bus departs Foe, 312 Smith Street, Collingwood at 9am. To book your seat please or call 03 9419 8700

80% of trees logged in Victoria's water catchments in the Central Highlands end up at the Maryvale Mill to be woodchipped for paper products. The new owners of the Maryvale Mill, the Nippon Paper Group also buy logs from around Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania. It is time to tell the company that we won't buy forest destruction.

Bands, MC's, Speaker, BBQ and a look at the Mill... Banners, props and constumes very welcome.

Fore more info, directions or to help out on the day, please email

Old Growth logging is unaustralian

Logging stopped on Australia Day


Survey road blockade reestablished - six arrested

Old skool blockading at survey road! Tripod, monopoles, treesits and lockons stop logging for two days, with six arrests


Survey Road Treesit stops logging - DAY 4

Forty people stop logging in a new old growth logging coupe at Survey Road. The coupe was recently added to the area available for logging - however has been stopped for four days by a lone tree sitter, who is too high to be removed from the tree


Actions and Events 2009

Goongerah water catchment logging for climate change

Coinciding with Copenhagen Climate summit, forest protesters stop logging in Goongerah water catchment


Injunction stops logging at Brown Mountain


Tree platforms stop logging at bungywarr road - old growth forest, rainforest and habitat being logged

A group of independent protesters halt logging for three days on the eastern side of the Errinundra Plateau in an area first blockaded in 1994. Fifteen years later and it is still being logged, despite containing endangered species habitat, cool temperate rainforest and massive old growth trees


Six logging machines halted at survey road: the last remaining old growth coupe being logged

A group of twenty people have halted logging in one of the last old growth coupes on Survey Road - site of protests against old growth logging for ten years. The area was surveyed recently and found to be a rich arboreal mammal site. However intensive clearfell logging of the area was recently started, leaving one of the last remaining old growth coupes in the area destroyed. Logging was halted this week by tripods and treesits, with four people arrested.


See below for past forest blockades at Survey Road

Survey Road 2008
Survey and Centre Rd 2006 and
Centre Rd 2004
Survey Rd 2004
Survey Rd 2002 (includes infamous wheelchair in tripod protest)
Survey Rd 2001

Endangered species find halts logging at Brown Mountain

Discoveries of endangered species Orbost Spiny Crayfish, Greater Glider and Sooty Owls have stopped logging for two weeks while surveys are conducted at Brown Mountain. This old growth forest has been logged since late 2008 in a controversial move by victorian government.


Craig Ingram calls for tougher measures on protesters

Local independent member for Gippsland East Craig Ingram, with his usual intelligence and foresight, is calling for tougher legislation against protesters after a day in the Orbost court where charges were dropped against a number of people arrested at Brown mountain and stony creek. These people were arrested without warning by government enforcement officers, with personal equipment confiscated. Currently the Public Safety Zone legislation is designed to allow logging to continue behind closed doors and without scrutiny, and is the toughest legislation to halt protesting so far. Yet it is not enough, according to our esteemed local member.


Greens Senator visits brown mountain on Australia day

Victorian Greens Senator Sue Pennicuik visits Brown Mountain


Stony Creek forest protests continue

Logging of old growth forest in an area of forest earmarked as a corridor between the Snowy and Errinundra National Parks sparks protests, with people locking on to machinery, erecting treesits and walking in to stop logging


Skillshare in Goongerah 9-12 jan 09

There was another skillshare...

Actions and Events 2008

City and Forest protests continue for Brown mountain

Protesters in the forest and the city continue to express outrage at the logging of Brown Mountain. Another tree platform was erected, stopping logging for two days before Search and Rescue removed it, with five arrested over the two days. Meanwhile, outside parliament house in melbourne people are calling on the government to immediately stop logging brown mountain.

Also see Youtube clip brown mountain more....

Blockade stops Brown Mountain Logging

A forest blockade stopping work in the controversial Brown Mountain logging coupe has been halted by protesters. Treeplatforms and lockons stopped work with at least seven people arrested so far.


Logging starts in old growth forest areas under review for protection

Logging coupes at Brown Mountain and Survey Rd have commenced even though they form part of the area under negotiation for inclusion into National Park. Brown mountain contains massive old growth trees and its protection has been delayed by long-drawn-out negotiations between government and conservationists. They are part of the additions recommended by conservationists to be included in the promised "old growth" areas, and negotiations have been jeopardised by sending in the bulldozers to many areas that have been up for discussion. Sadly, at least five important areas have been logged since the Labor government promised to protect old growth forest before the last election. All the areas have been added to the Timber Release Plan since the announcement. This could be seen as a cynical act to make sure there can be no additional old growth areas included by logging them first, and does not instill confidence in the process.


Activists praised in court - costs rejected

the last round of protesters who appeared in court for forest protests at Survey Rd and Dingo Creek were praised by the magistrate for standing up for our forests. The bid for costs to be awarded against them was also rejected.

Potoroo regulations change

There has been a recent announcement of 40000 hectares protected for endangered species in East Gippsland. this is not a new reserve but just a "re-badging" of existing reserved areas. However, it seems that now porotoos will get an automatic 50 hectare zone around wherever they are found, which is an improvement on the earlier regulation that allowed potoroo zones to be moved around to allow logging. So it seems that hairtubing may be worthwhile again...

Survey Rd Protests on again

Twenty people have set up two forest blockades in new coupes in the Bonang River catchment on Survey Rd. the coupes have been recently opened up to logging and one borders the Errinundra National Park. The coupes have not been included in the National Park announcement, yet are iconic old growth forest that contains habitat for the endangered Long Footed Potoroo and Spot Tailed Quoll. Two tree sits are set up and stopping logging.


Click here for other Bonang River protests:
Survey and Centre Rd 2006 and
Centre Rd 2004
Survey Rd 2004
Survey Rd 2002 (includes infamous wheelchair in tripod protest)
Survey Rd 2001

Old growth logging stopped again

Fifteen conservationists stopped logging again today, with one person being arrested and taken to orbost.


Community Stops Logging

Eighteen members of the Goongerah community walked into an old growth logging coupe in their domestic water catchment, with one person being arrested.

Bidawal Family Stop Logging

A family of traditional owners from the Bidawal clan have stopped logging in an area of forest they say was never given over to logging interests.



Conservationists stop old growth logging again

Fifteen conservationists have stopped logging in a new logging area at Stony Creek between the Errinundra and Snowy River National Parks, in an area that should have been protected by the Labor government. It is in the headwaters of the Goongerah Creek, domestic water supply for Goongerah


Logging Stopped near Errinundra Plateau

Fifteen climate conservationisits have stopped logging on Black Hole Road near the Errinundra National Park


Skillshare 11 - 19 January 2008

A skillshare is being helded at the Ellery Creek Campground in Goongerah, with workshops, walks, and food by GECO Kitchen

Actions and Events 2007

Logging Halted for Climate

Thirty five people have stopped logging in an old growth logging coupe in Cobon, near the Errinundra National Park, co-inciding with climate talks in Bali where the Australian government is being urged to act on climate change. Twenty percent of global greenhouse emissions are caused by forest clearing.


Three logging coupes shut down

About seventy people from Melbourne Sydney and Gippsland stopped logging in three logging coupes


Goongerah logging protesters fight court battle

Three protesters are in court for their arrests in the Goongerah logging coupe Steve Bracks promised to protect


Old Growth Logging continues

There are a number of old growth logging coupes underway in the vicinity of Goongerah and the Errinundra Plateau at the moment. One and two-log loads have been seen heading down the road on the back of log trucks recently - and you thought that was a thing of the past! The contentious coupes are in the Goongerah water catchment and on Aspen Battery Track on the Errinundra Plateau. Both of these areas have been the subject of long campaigns to protect them - see here for details.

The problem has not been solved, and logging is continuing unabated despite promises before the last State election.

Click here for more info on the Goongerah water catchment coupe

Update on Logging in East Gippsland

Find out the latest on what is happening in East Gippsland, what the Labor promise on forest protection actually means for the forest, what areas are scheduled to be logged and what you can do


National Park Logging continues

Logging in the area earmarked for protection is continuing at an alarming rate

Click here for photos and more info

Goolengook Weekend Walks

Book now for a weekend walk in the Rainforest of Goolengook, guided by a local environment centre volunteer, with meals and transport from Orbost provided by a new local eco-tourism business. Limited places available, so be quick.

More info....

Punk gig in goongerah

Punk bands from Melbourne and Sydney came to Goongerah on 20 January for a gig, with proceeds from GECO kitchen to GECO's campaign for the remaining forest of East Gippsland. About 60 people attended.

13th anniversary of GECO party 13 january 2007

GECO has been rockin' since January 1994 and its time to celebrate the 13th anniversary on the 13th of January 2007. A chilled out party to celebrate the work of GECO, including the successful protection of Goolengook forest!

Fire threatens Goolengook

A fire is burning near the Goolengook forest, on Boulder Creek Track. The fire has so far burnt out 2000ha and is at the south end of the Goolengook block. The fire is under control at the moment, with blacking out still taking place. The top end of Goolengook was not burnt, and the fire seems to be contained along Crabhole Creek Track.

For more information check the DSE fire site here

Actions and Events 2006

Community Stops Logging in Future National Park

Twenty residents of Goongerah walked in to the logging coupe in their water catchment which has been earmarked for protection under the new Bracks election promise


Four Arrests at Blockade

There have been four arrests at the Goongerah water catchment blockade, and we've had confirmation from the DSE that the logging coupe is IN the proposed corridor between the national parks.


Brack's forest announcement a missed opportunity

The Labor announcement on forests is not all it seems....


Dana Lyons Gig in Goongerah

Dana Lyons, famous for his song "Cows With Guns", had a great gig in Goongerah, playing many country classics to an enthusiastic audience. He his currently on a World Tour with the World Temperate Rainforest Network trying to raise awareness of the plight of the world's rare temperate forests. GECO crew gave them a tour of East Gippsland's temperate forest before they headed to Bega for the next leg of their trip.


Stump truck rides again

A huge old growth stump is again touring marginal seats in Melbourne for the upcoming State Election


Locals risk arrest to stop water catchment logging

Twenty residents of the small township of Goongerah risk arrest by entering a logging coupe in their water catchment


Forty stop logging in old growth forest

Forest protests have escalated as they enter the third day, with forty protesters stopping logging and locking on to machinery in old growth forest near Bendoc. Seven people have been arrested.


Three treesits stop logging in Goongerah water catchment

Thirty people have stopped logging in an old growth logging coupe at the headwaters of the Goongerah Creek. Police moved in and arrested four people.


Community takes action on water

Twenty community members walked into an active logging coupe on the headwaters of the Goongerah Creek, which is the domestic water supply for the residents.


GECO evicted

GECO has been evicted but the forest campaign will continue. The running of GECO is currently in a state of flux and subject to change. If you would like more information or would like to assist please contact GECO.

Check out photos here

Woodchip Ship Stopped

Fifteen protesters have entered the Midways woodchip facility and two have locked on to the conveyer belt, preventing the woodchip ship from being loaded with native forest woodchips


Protesters return to Eden

About thirty protesters returned to the Eden woodchip mill this morning, setting up a tree platform blocking the road and locking on to a log truck


Eden Rally a huge success

About 500 people attended a community protest at the Eden woodchip mill on July 2


Goolengook Submissions needed now!

Submissions to the Goolengook inquiry are needed now. Please take the time to make your feelings about Goolengook known.


Twenty people stop logging

Twenty people have walked into a logging coupe near Bonang. The coupe contains old growth trees and is adjacent to Special Protection Zones.


Ten thousand at forest rally

Lots of people attended the rally for Victorias forest. Well done to those who worked so hard to make it happen.


City Treesit highlights old growth logging

A tree platform has been erected on St Kilda Rd opposite the Arts Centre in Melbourne, to draw attention to the continued logging of old growth forest, rainforest and water catchments. A banner hanging from the treesit reads "Stand Tall for the Forests: Rally 4 June"


GECO takes VEAC staff to Goolengook

Four people from GECO took three of the VEAC staff to Goolengook to show them some slender tree ferns that are not on any maps. Photos soon.

Goongerah water blockade starts

Twenty people have stopped logging in the Goongerah water catchment, with a tree platform attached to a log loader


Blockade next to Goolengook starts

Thirty people have stopped logging at a coupe next to the goolengook forest, with a tree platform and lock ons. The logging coupe is less that a km from the "study area" for Goolengook, which is under moratorium from logging.


Thirty go back to Centre Rd

thirty people go back to Centre Rd


Black Wallabies Stop Big Tree Logging

A group of people re-entered the logging coupe at the Bonang River on Centre Rd today (7 April 2006) and stopped logging. Trees were felled very close to conservationists and logs were thrown at them by heavy machinery. Complaints have been made to police and government officers.


Treesit stops big tree logging

A tree platform attached to the gate on Centre Rd and cabled to several large trees has prevented logging from starting again in the controversial logging coupe at Bonang River


Big Tree Logging Stopped Again

A band of black wallabies has stopped logging at Centre Rd


Bidwali leaders halt logging at Survey Rd

Two indigenous leaders from the Bidwali clan entered a logging coupe on Survey Rd with 20 non-indigenous supporters, to issue notices calling for the end of logging in old growth forest. More to follow......

GECO supports Black GST - get involved. Click here for more info (external link)

Two lock on at Survey Rd

Logging has been stopped at controversial logging coupe at Survey Rd in the Bonang River catchment. The logging coupe contains massive trees, mixed forest and potoroo habitat.


Logging stopped at Centre Rd

Logging in the controversial Bonang River area on Centre Rd has been stopped since Friday morning, with two girls remaining locked to machinery all weekend. A tree platform is still in place. Police and Vicforests officers have arrived and the two lock-ons have been removed. Two arrested and taken to Bendoc.

Click here for more.....

Survey Rd and Centre Rd logging starts

Logging has started in the two most controversial coupes in East gippsland outside of Goolengook. The coupes have been brought forward on the logging schedule in a deliberate provocative act designed to destroy the last remaining areas of old growth forest on the Errinundra Plateau. Three log loads have been seen coming down the Bonang Rd in numbers not seen for a number of years. These areas contain massive old growth trees and rainforest areas, which are likely to be protected in just a few months, yet instead are being clearfelled.

These areas have been controvesial for a number of years - see Centre Rd, Survey Rd 2001 and Survey Rd 2002 for more details.

Click here for details of the latest actions at Survey and Centre Rd

Government guilty of logging breaches - but get off scot-free!

The EPA has released its report into the logging of the Errinundra National Park, as well as three other significant breaches in Victoria (two in the Cann River area). They found Vic Forests and DSE responsible for the breaches, and that there was systemic problems in the department. However, no penalties have been given and business goes on as usual.....


Protesters file complaints chipmill employees

Protesters who were assaulted by chipmill employees at Eden last week are filing complaints with the NSW police, calling for those involved to be charged appropriately


Eden chipmill shut down

Twenty protesters have shut down the Eden Chipmill, with four people locking themselves to machinery in the mill. Two people have been arrested and taken to Bega, and the other two remain locked on.


Lock on stops logging in Cobon

Fifteen people have stopped work in Cobon, next to the Errinundra National Park.


Tree Platform stops logging road

A logging road allowing access to five coupes in the Martin's Creek forest was halted.


Goongerah Blockade busted - but soldiers on!

Search and Rescue police removed a tree platform in the Goongerah forest on Tuesday, after they busted the Bendoc blockade. One person was arrested after the tree platform was lowered down the tree with the person attached to it by the foot! DSE ordered protesters to leave the area and the camp was removed. However, they could not get the person out of the dragon and the blockade remains in place! MORE....

Lock ons stop logging

Twenty five people have stopped logging in old growth forest near Bendoc, with two people locked on to logging equipment. Three people were arrested.

Click here for more....

Two Blockades in Goongerah and Yalmy forests

Two blockades have been established in an area of forest that is the last corridor between the Errinundra and Snowy River National Park. The area is in Goongerah's domestic water catchment and contains very large trees.


Actions and Events 2005

*Download the latest flier here!*

Summer Actions Start

Sixty people came to goongerah for a week of actions and activities in the forest. Three logging coupes were stopped simultaneously on 16 December and the VicForests office in Orbost was visited on 21 December.

Click here for more....

VicForests Action in Melbourne for East Gippsland's Forests

As part of Reclaim the Streets, VicForests office was targetted by people opposed to logging in East Gippsland. Entertaining street theatre, fat men and woodchips were involved.


EPA to investigate National Park Logging

The Environmental Protection Agency is set to investigate the logging of the Errinundra National Park, which was discovered by two conservationists from GECO.


City Treesit supports Dingo Creek

A tree platform was erected in the middle of a roundabout in the city to highlight the logging of Dingo Creek


Logging again in Dingo Creek

Logging has started again at Dingo Creek, following the withdrawal of logging machinery over winter. There are currently two dozers and two excavators completing the coupe that was started earlier in the year. Four people have been arrested so far attempting to stop work in the coupe, and there has been a treesit erected in Melbourne to draw attention to logging in East Gippsland.

Click here for photos and more info....

Ten Arrests at Eden - Chipmill Shut for 9 hours

Ten protesters were arrested at Eden Export Woodchip Mill today after they shut down the mill for over nine hours. Five people were locked to the conveyor belt of the chip mill preventing the mill from operating since before dawn, until they were finally removed by Police Search and Rescue late in the afternoon. Five others were arrested within the compound by police. They were supported by a group of conservationists outside the mills gates.

Due to the excessive amounts of security at the mill, which is next to a naval facility and surrounded by electric fences, conservationists have to go to great lengths to perform effective direct action such as this. Their bravery and determination is to be commended!

Todays action follows a protest at the Eden Chipmill on Monday, World Environment Day, which was attended by 40 people from NSW, Victoria and overseas. Conservationists are calling on Victorian and NSW state Premiers to shut the mill down and end export woodhipping immediately. This was an election promise by NSW Premier Bob Carr, over five years ago. Since the 100% Japanese owned woodhip facility was opened in 1969 it has overseen the destruction of much of the areas unique old growth and native forests.


Logging starts at Dingo Creek - National Site of Rainforest Significance - June 2005

One log loads seen

There is currently a clearfelling operation taking place in a National Site of Rainforest Significance at the controversial Dingo Creek. The coupe number is 892/522/13 and the gps coordinates are 5872429 N and 670649E. The coupe is 30 hectares, and contains rainforest. According to the DSE the coupe "meets prescriptions".

The area has been subject to much heated debate follwoing logging operations some years ago, and the legality of the logging has been taken to the Supreme Court. Despite negotiations at high levels, VicForests has allowed the loggers to go in ti this important site and it is being flattened at an alarming rate. There are three logging machines in there, as well as an unusually large crew.

As well as rainforest, the area is old growth forest, and there have been a number of one log loads seen coming from the coupe. Dingo Creek is adjacent to the Errinundra National PArk. The area is designated as a "Special Management Zone" which means they are supposed to log it more carefully. However, most of the trees have been pushed over, leaving piles of debris, and very few so called "Seed" or "habitat" trees. Stumps measured in the coupe measured 8 metres in girth.

Click here for the latest photos of Dingo Creek logging, plus links to past actions, court case and more photos..

Click here for how to make a submission to the Draft Action Statement on Rainforest, open for public comment now.

Potoroo Found near Big Tree

After hairtubing an area scheduled to be logged around the Big Tree and Result Creek area, a potoroo has been found.

Click here for more info on the surveys (external link)

Goongerah Water Logging

Logging has started in Goongerah's domestic water catchment, despite local opposition.


Good Court Results

There have been a number of good court outcomes for conservationists, following the occupation of the DSE offices in Bairnsdale and the Eden woodchip Mill action. Two conservationists who were arrested at the Bairnsdale office occupation received minor fines and no conviction, following the opportunity for "diversion" given to them by police. This was based on their previous clean record and good character.

Three protesters arrested at the Eden chipmill were also given light penalties and noted for their good character by a NSW magistrate.

Click here for more info...

Conservationists occupy Bairnsdale VicForests office

About thirty conservationists from Victoria and New South Wales occupied the new Vic Forest and DSE office in Bairnsdale. Banners reading "Victoria Must Act To End Old Growth Logging" were hung from the roof as the group demanded an end to old growth logging. Twenty five police attended the scene and there were three arrests.


Protesters Converge on Eden Chip Mill

Protesters from Victoria and New South Wales, united in their opposition to the Eden Woodchip Mill, blocked access to the Japanese owned chipmill for most of a day. Treesits and tripods were used to block access roads to the mill, as activists from the Activist Road Trip (A.R.T) joined with local conservationists to call on the Premiers of both states to end old growth logging. Nine arrests resulted from the protest.


Ellery Protest goes off!

Protesters returned to Ellery forest to halt logging with treesits, tripods and lock ons, following a skillshare in East Gippsland. The protest continued for over a week with sixty people halting logging and resulting in 11 arrests. Complaints have been issued against members of police for violence and the protest has been the subject of a media smear campaign by the logging industry, always a sign that we are hitting home! Well done to all involved!

For more information CLICK HERE

Activist Road Trip coming to Goongerah 17 - 20 Feb 2005

The Activist Road Trip from Sydney-Canberra-Melbourne is stopping in Goongerah. There'll be a festival on the 19th in Goongerah hosting live bands and solo performers, dj's, GECO kitchen and heaps more.


Skillshare in Goongerah, Jan 7-9 2005

A skillshare was held in Goongerah on the weekend of 7-9 January with music, workshops, walks, films, spotlighting and other great stuff. There was bands at various venues around Goongerah, workshops on direct action and forest information, guided walks through speccie forest, activist films and great food. Approximately 150 people attended.

As a result of this great turn out, succesful direct action took place in logging coupes in old growth forest. See above for more info.

Actions and Events 2004

Protesters return to Ellery

A group of protesters returned to logging coupes in Ellery to protest against continued logging in rainforest. Click here for more information

National Rainforest Sites under threat!

Two sites of national significance for rainforest are under threat from logging this summer. They are currently being examined by FLora and Fauna to assess the possibility of logging them, despite being recommended for protection by leading botanists. Both areas - Dingo Creek and Hammonds Rd - have been the sites of much heated direct action to protect their values.


Greens at Goolengook

There was a weekend at Goolengook for Greens members and volunteers who were feeling in need of some relaxation in the forest after the Federal Election. It included guided walks, great food and much more. Click here for more....

Women Highlight Logging on Threatened Species Day

A group of women walked into a logged coupe to draw attention to the plight of endangered species in East Gippsland, on National Threatened Species Day.


Walk In Stops Work at Old Growth Rainforest Coupe

About 15 conservationists stopped work at a logging coupe in the Martin's Creek Forest Block. The area contains old growth forest and a regional site of significance for rainforest. The one-day action received media attention and an immediate response from the DSE, who sent a flora and fauna officer to the area the following day to inspect for rainforest. The action is the first of expected rolling actions to draw attention to the continued logging of old growth forest.


UK Activists Blockade Consulate for Australian Old Growth

Activists in the UK have blockaded tha Australian consulate in Manchester to draw attention to the destruction on old growth forest in Australia


Goolengook Adventure Walk

GECO is hosting another adventure walk on 25-26 September. Numbers are limited, so book now to ensure a place!
Click HERE for more info


GECO is currently negotiating to buy the property so that we can ensure an active environment centre can remain in East Gippsland. If you want to donate money or help out in any way, please email GECO as soon as possible. Its now or never!!

Breaches Documented

A new page on the geco website has been created to document breaches of the Code of Forest Practices, that our hard working activists are constantly discovering as they monitor logging and roading activities in East Gippsland.

Click HERE to check it out!

Logging again at Survey Rd

A logging coupe has started on Survey Rd in one of the last unlogged places in the controversial area. The coupe is in a Special Management Zone and contains mixed forest, a protected ecosystem. Large trees have been felled and left on the forest floor at the entrance of the coupe (see picture). Environmentalists who have visited the coupe have identified potential breaches of the Code of Forest Practices, and are planning to audit the coupe thoroughly when logging has finished. Survey Rd has been the site of protest activity over a number of years (see Survey Rd 2002).

Huge Logs trucked from Centre Rd Daily

Click here for images of the stream of huge logs that were coming down the Bonang Rd daily during February 2004.

Did ya hear the one about the shopping trolley?

Following her arrest at Ferntree, a woman was threatened with a"theft" charge when it was discovered that the "dragon" she had locked herself to partially consisted of a shopping trolley. As the shopping trolley had been dismembered and concreted into the road well before she locked onto it, the young woman was unaware of the fact that she was in posession of something formerly belonging to Safeways. "Theft" was reduced to "Handle stolen goods" for a while there and she was about to write a letter to the management of Safeways apologising for handling the trolley when the police had second thoughts, leaving her instead with the usual excessive number of charges imposed by the DSE (trespass, failure to comply, obstruction etc etc etc).

Click here for a laugh

Ferntree Blockade On Again!

On Tuesday 17 February, a small but gutsy crew has defied the exclusion zone in Ellery and walked in to the logging coupe on Ferntree Rd to stop logging. Two women locked themselves to a bulldozer in the middle of the night and successfully stopped work. Logging has started in the area following the completion of the road which was delayed by blockades since December last year.

On Wednesday 28 January 2004 Ferntree blockade was busted by DSE and Search and Rescue Police. Two people were arrested for obstruction. One was locked to a dragon in the road for three hours before being removed by police using anglegrinders. Another evaded police for five hours up a tripod-bipod structure before he was removed by a crane. Two treesitters remained in place overnight, however the tripod structure blocking the road was destroyed. The story makes state-wide and local radio.

On thursday, another person locked on to a dragon blocking the road and a second person locked onto a bulldozer that was constructing a boundary track to the adjacent logging coupe. A person remains up the tree platform. No police attended and there were no arrests. DSE officers are using dirty tactics such as stealing communication equipment and throwing personal belongings into gullies. One person was dumped by police and DSE 10kms from camp after being arrested.and made to walk back without water.

On Wednesady 4 February 30 police and DSE raided again, set up an exclusiopn zone and arrested two people, one for being on a dragon for many hours and another for being on a treesit attached to the dozer. A third person was tackled to the ground and had his thumbs ripped out of thumbcuffs as he tried to lock on.

The blockade was re-established at Ferntree Rd in the Ellery forest two weeks ago, protecting seven coupes from being logged. The area contains old growth forest, rainforest and endangered species habitat. Roading was stopped there late last year when the road caused massive erosion into the Big River, which forms part of the Snowy River catchment.


Walk in stops logging at Centre Rd - Huge Tree coupe

About 20 people walked in to a coupe on Centre rd on Monday morning to stop work from continuing. There were no arrests, yet work was stopped for part of the day while rainforest buffers were examined and the coupe boundary was measured to see how close it is to the "Big Tree" which is in the vicinity.

The logging coupe is in one of the last stands of massive trees, in the catchment of the Bonang River. There has been an air of secrecy surrounding the operation, with local DSE officers denying information and erecting a huge gate to keep the public from gaining access to the area. The 20 ha coupe is being logged by two crews, who are rapidly clearing the area and three log loads are common. The logging coupe is adjacent to Victoria's largest tree, which was discovered late last year by conservationists. The DSE do not know the exact whereabouts of this tree, yet are allowing the area to be logged.


Environmental Protection Agency Slams East Gippsland Forestry

The EPA has released a report into forest management practices in four forest management areas in Victoria, and found East Gippsland to be the worst at complying with the Code of Forest Practices. Rainforest protection and roading were found to be particularly bad, which confirms what GECO has been saying for years. Hundreds of people have been arrested and been ordered to pay thousands of dollars in fines pointing out what the EPA has confirmed to be true - that the DSE can't manage our forests at even the basic level required by the Code and have been destroying our forests unchecked for years.


Walk in Stops Logging

Forty people walked in to a logging coupe on the Errinundra Plateau to express their dismay at logging old growth forest...


Errinundra Adventure Walks This Summer

Fifty people enjoyed magnificant old growth forest and experienced the unique beauty of the Errinundra Plateau and Goolengook on a seven day fully supported walk, organised by GECO. A resounding success! Click here for PHOTOS AND ITINERARY

Ten years of GECO

GECO has been keeping an eye on the dodgy practices of the logging industry in East Gippsland since the beginning of 1994, with direct action our specialty. A party to celebrate this fact was held on the 10 January, attended by 200 people. GECO never looked so good!

Actions and Events 2003

Biggest Tree in Victoria Found

Roading Blockade at Ellery

Potoroo find at survey Rd gives a temporary reprieve to logging

Illegal logging in the name of fire protection

DSE Fire jumps out of control

Survey road activists vindicated

Wild Fire Threatens GECO


Summer of Action 2003


Stump truck!

Exclusion Zones Unlawful

Survey Road 2002

Suspended jail sentence for conservationist, August 2002

Goolengook Attack Court Results, May 2002

1 Acquitted, 2 Guilty, 7 Dropped in Goolengook Attack

First Sentences in Goolengook Attack, 24 May 2002

Locals Plead Guilty of Goolengook Attack, 8 May 2002

Fort Goolengook Busted!

Media Releases
Campaign Diary
Goolengook Site
Action at Department of Natural Resources and Environment Melbourne 20th May 2002

Goolengook makes the news in the U.S.

Actions and Events 2001

Dingo Ck & Goolengook blockades
Click here for photos of Sellers Rd blockade, 2001

Quoll Blockade Busted 8 Feb 2001

Howard gets Mooned

Survey Rd Blockade

Goongerah Gathering 12-15 Jan 2001

east gippsland 2001

Actions & Events 2000

Goolengook Fortified

Aboriginal Leader calls for Goolengook Moratorium

40 Loggers Attack Forest Activists

For more information see the media releases and photos for these events.

Loggers Charged with 'Riot' over Goolengook Attack

Princess Highway Action February 2000

Helmer's Road coup blockade

Action Halts Rainforest Logging - Errinundra Plateau

Occupation of E.G.L.

Actions and Events 1999

Walk Against Woodchips

Future Rescue - A Skill Sharing Adventure in East Gippsland

Stump Truck ousts Kennett

Great GECO Scone Action

Dead Wombats Haunt Daishowa

Protesters Plead No Jurisdiction

Wilson Tuckey Comes to Town

Actions and Events 1998


RFA Senate Inquiry

Potoroo Find in Goolengook

Goolengook Background