Goolengook forest

FINALLY protected

Finally after ten years the government has promised to include Goolengook in its entirety into the Errinundra National Park. Its immediate protection is a win for all the people who worked so hard over so many years to protect the place - the hundreds arrested, the thousands who visited, wrote letters, protested and fought day in day out for the forests of Goolengook. Well done to you all!

Goolengook links

Click here to download short video on Goolengook (15meg mpg)

Blockade next to Goolengook starts, 2006

Goolengook Campaign 2002 (external link)

Goolengook Campaign Diary, 2002 - anecdotes from the front line

Goolengook Media Releases, 2002

Loggers attack Goolengook Camp

History of Goolengook Campaign from 1997 -1999

Goolengook images, 1997 (external link)

Goolengook in Wikipedia (external link)

Goolengook in Schnews (external link)

VEAC Enquiry

Thanks to all who put in submissions to the first round of public consultation on Goolengook. There will be some examples of the submissions that we have received coming soon...


The Victorian Environment Assessment Council (VEAC) has started their study into the possibility of adding Goolengook into the National Park. They have visited Goolengook on a number of occasions and have formed a community reference group, which includes a representative of Environment East Gippsland, the Wilderness Bike Ride, Timber Communities Australia, a local sawmill owner (Bob Humphries), Save Goolengook and GECO. (GECO was not invited originally and had to get in the back door via another environment group's nomination, despite the stipulation that the community reference group be "locals". And this despite the fact that they would not have even heard of Goolengook, if not for the work of GECO).

Goolengook is definately not protected yet. There is a good chance that some of the block will be left out of the National Park, and an even greater chance that there will be some type of "swap" with other areas. For this reason it is very important that people make submissions to VEAC. The submissions do not need to be long, or detailed. If you have been to Goolengook, or seen footage or photos of Goolengook, or heard of Goolengook, then please write a submission.

Information Booklets are available from GECO, or the DSE, libraries and other public places They can be downloaded from the VEAC website. Submissions are due on 4 August 2006.

VEAC tours Goolengook with GECO activists

VEAC is having a Goolengook Forest Investigation Community Forum for Thursday 13 July in Orbost. It will run from 2:00 pm till 7:00 pm.

This is an opportunity for any-one who is interested in Goolengook to come along and have a chat to the staff or the VEAC councillors about anything to do with the investigation.

This is part of our commumity consultation process. It is the first open event we have organised. If it proves to be successful we will hold others (perhaps in other localities).

It will be advertised in the local papers this week and may get an airing on the ABC Regional radio.

There will be no presentations at this meeting. No decisions will be made either. It is just a chance for people to talk with us and the councillors face to face.

Please feel free to pass this message on to any-one who might be interested in attending.


Fred Cumming Project Leader, Goolengook Forest Investigation



July 3 2006

Come and have a chat about the Goolengook Forest Investigation

The Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC) is holding a community forum on Thursday 13 July 2006 in Orbost, following the recent release of the Information Booklet for the Goolengook Forest Investigation.

The forum will be held from 2pm till 7pm in the rear meeting room of the Orbost Public Library (Ruskin St, VicRoads ref 85 J5) and the public is welcome to arrive at any time during this period.

New VEAC CEO Joan Phillips said that the forum would be a chance for people to interact with project staff and VEAC council members.

"We are encouraging people who may want to find out more, or discuss their interest in the investigation to attend.

"The format of the forum allows for closer interaction with staff and council members," she said.

Ms Phillips also said that the purpose of the forum is to listen to the community.

"VEAC are not making any proposals in the current stage of the investigation.

"This is about making sure we are attuned to what the communities needs are.

"That's why it's important for people to attend the forum"

Copies of the Goolengook Information Booklet will be available on the day and can be viewed at local libraries, on the VEAC website (, at regional DSE offices, or are available through Information Victoria (1800366 356).

Further information is available by phoning (03) 9637 9902 or 1800 134 803 (toll free), or visiting the VEAC website

For further information please contact:

Joan Phillips Chief Executive Officer VEAC Tel: 1300 366 356

Goolengook links

Click here to download short video on Goolengook (15meg mpg)

Blockade next to Goolengook starts, 2006

Goolengook Campaign 2002 (external link)

Goolengook Campaign Diary, 2002 - anecdotes from the front line

Goolengook Media Releases, 2002

Loggers attack Goolengook Camp

History of Goolengook Campaign from 1997 -1999

Goolengook images, 1997 (external link)

Goolengook in Wikipedia (external link)

Goolengook in Schnews (external link)

Minister for Environment Media Release re: Goolengook

Thursday December 1, 2005


A formal environmental investigation into Victoria’s iconic Goolengook Forest in East Gippsland will commence soon with the release of final Terms of Reference, the Minister for Environment, John Thwaites, announced today.

Mr Thwaites said the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC) would commence an investigation into the potential for all or part of the Goolengook Forest to be added to the Errinundra National Park.

“Final Terms of Reference have been developed, taking into account previously received public submissions on the draft Terms of Reference as well as discussions held with a range of stakeholders and community groups,” Mr Thwaites said. 

“The priority is to balance environmental and sustainable forest development.

“I will ask VEAC to look at how we can protect the iconic Goolengook forest block. VEAC will also take into consideration the impact on communities in the region in its investigation.”

The new Terms of Reference, in line with the majority of submissions, remove the requirement for the timber from the Goolengook block to be substituted with timber from the Comprehensive, Adequate and Representative (CAR) Reserve System, or from within the Special Management Zone that is not currently available for timber production.

The change also includes a requirement that there be no overall loss of timber resource from the East Gippsland Forest Management Area as a result of the investigation.

 There has been a moratorium on logging in Goolengook for three years, and this will continue while the investigation is conducted.  VEAC will investigate all of the forests in the Goolengook Forest Management Block, not just old growth forest, and the full range of values in the area.

“The well being of endangered species like the Tiger (Spotted) Quoll, the Long Footed Potoroo, the Sooty Owl and the Slender Tree-fern will be taken into account in considering whether to add Goolengook to the Errinundra National Park,” Mr Thwaites said.

VEAC will undertake extensive consultation and call for public comment on the issues it intends to explore during the Goolengook investigation.  This investigation will be undertaken in parallel with VEAC’s investigation into River Red Gum Forests along the Murray.

“I will request that VEAC undertake an 18 month investigation into the Goolengook forest, and provide a report to me by July 2007.  I look forward to a thorough investigation by VEAC into how best to manage this important environmental asset.” said Mr Thwaites.

Terms of Reference for

VEAC Goolengook Forest Investigation

Pursuant to Section 15 of the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council Act 2001, the Minister for Environment hereby requests the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC) to carry out an investigation of public land within the Goolengook Forest Management Block in East Gippsland.

The purposes of the investigation are to:

  1. Examine the Goolengook Forest Management Block for its potential for all or part to be added to the Errinundra National Park, with particular reference to the need to protect old growth forest1.
  2. Provide advice on the costs, benefits and implications, in terms of biodiversity, timber resource and other values, of options under 1 above.
  3. Ensure that there is no net deterioration in timber production capacity.
  4. Recommend preferred options and advise on implementation requirements to achieve the preferred option.

Note:             1Old growth, for the purposes of this investigation, is forest that meets the definition specified in the Nationally Agreed Criteria for the Establishment of a Comprehensive, Adequate and Representative Reserve System for Forests in Australia.

In addition to the considerations specified in Section 18 of the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council Act 2001, the Council must also take into consideration the following matters:

The Council is required to prepare a Draft Proposals Paper and must submit a Final Report on the results of its investigation within 18 months of the request.

There must be submission periods before the preparation of the Draft Proposals Paper and after its release, and each submission period is to be a minimum of 60 days.