Click here for Rainforest Hotspots - Scheduled logging in Rainforest

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These areas of High Conservation Forest are currently under threat! They are either scheduled for logging in the near future or are being logged now.

Big Tree at Result Creek - person circled on RHS Big Tree The two faces of Errinundra - roading machine at the border of the National Park, as roading continues to erode the integrity of rainforest and old growth forest on the Errinundra Plateau.

Delegate Block, coupe no. 890 507 0006, scheduled for this year.

30 hectare coupe. Montane and cool temperate mixed forest spieces located on the Errinundra Plateau on Aspen Battery Track.

Near the creek cool temperate mixed forest species occur. This creek will probably have a maximum 10m. buffer.

Black Oliveberry in fruit, a rainforest species near the creek.

The picture on the left was taken in a scheduled coupe on Aspen Battery Track. Delegate Block 507 0005. The picture on the right is opposite the scheduled coupe, logged sometime in the last five years.

These are photos of a scheduled coupe on on Black Hole Rd, on the Errinundra Plateau. This is the only area where sub alpine teatree grows with sassafrass. The first photo is of a denticulata.

This is a photo of slime mold, taken in a scheduled coupe, in East Errinundra coupe number 501/0011

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