Wilson Tuckey Comes to Town

At the recent conference in Orbost to promote the Intensive Forest Mangement agenda. Wilson Tuckey came along to pledge his support. He issued a promise that the Government would do all it could to help develop new and existing markets.

With such a visitor in town we made sure we gave him a good old greenie welcome. Around twenty protesters were waiting upon his arrival at the conference venue. However police made very sure that we were all well out of the way so that Wilson Turkey could make a quick and undisturbed entrance.

Throughout his speech the crowd outside kept up a constant barrage of noise which was apparently quite disconcerting for the listeners inside. Right in the middle of his talk the electricity went off and the whole place was left in the dark, with a chorus of cheering outside.

The next day the conference participants along with Turkey went on a tour of the region, they were followed every step of the way by a crew of greenies with tripod poles at the ready. However the six police cars and the private security made it very difficult for us to get very close at all. (At least on the Victorian side of the border.)

In NSW we managed to get a tripod set up on the road into the spot they had stopped for lunch. However the caterers came out and discovered it first giving Turkey prior warning. When he had to leave to catch his plane he had to go on a long detour to avoid the tripod, we sincerely hope he missed the flight. One person was arrested.

A crew of greenies managed to gate crash the lunch and the talk by Frank Whitelaw from Daishowa. Another crew arrived for the following session and the afternoon tea.

It is hoped that the message came across clearly that their new Intensive Forest Management agenda will be met with protest from the beginning and will only increase as the plans become more widely known.