Goongerah Environment Centre


 Phone: 03 5154 0156 / Fax : 0351 540 157

Email -
RSD Bonang Rd Goongerah Victoria Australia 3888

Situated in the heart of East Gippsland GECO is a networking, political and education collective working for the protection of the remaining Old Growth forests in East Gippsland, Victoria, Australia. The environment centre is nestled between the Errinundra and Snowy River National Parks and overlooks the majestic Mt Ellery.

The Goongerah Environment Centre (GECO) began during the 1993-1994 summer forest campaign and has been involved in the ongoing forest debate since.

Many environment groups and concerned individuals have put time and energy into supporting GECO and have appreciated the importance of the on site information we can provide. The people that live and work at GECO are dedicated to the protection of the High Conservation Value (HCV) Forests in East Gippsland. This is achieved by -

  • networking with other environment groups and the traditional owners,
  • endangered species surveying,
  • monitoring of logging operations and forest management,
  • liaising with workers and with police,
  • public awareness campaigns & fundraising
  • and last, but by no means least, non-violent direct action.

GECO supports a non-hierarchical mode of organisation. We are a group of individuals involved in collective action. As such our primary means of organisation is voluntary association and co-operation. Responsibility is assumed by individuals with the skills, experience and the trust of the group to carry out essential tasks. No one individual at GECO holds command and control powers over any other. Decisions are made collectively by consensus with each individual having equal input into the decision making process.

GECO is composed of individuals involved in collective action to protect East Gippsland's old growth forests and to support actions happening around Australia and the world.

  • We believe in Non Violent Direct Action
  • We practice consensus decision making that encourages and respects pluralism of opinion.
  • We seek to minimise our impact on the earth and Refuse, Reuse, Reduce and Recycle.
  • We aim to use gender neutral language and behave with an awareness of gender issues. Sexual Harassment and verbal or physical violence towards others is not accepted.
  • We receive no government funding. GECO and our campaigns rely on our own fundraising and donations.
  • We advocate the development and adoption of a diversified regional economy for East Gippsland for example, Nature-based Eco-tourism.
  • We advocate ethical investments, and consumer awareness.
  • We support the struggles of indigenous people worldwide to maintain their cultures and land - Indigenous Solidarity
  • We strive towards environmental and social justice. Our community values diversity and harmony and encourages viable models for social change.
  • Yes, we like wood and use it to keep ourselves warm in winter. We see wood as a renewable resource. It's the Old Growth Forests and the irreplaceablity of water, soil quality, and biodiversity that concerns us.
You can help

If you would like to be involved in working on the campaign to save the remaining old growth forests, come to Goongerah. This is a chance to experience the East Gippsland forest campaign.

Please note:

  • bring your own camping gear.
  • East Gippsland is a cool climate, high rainfall area. Please bring wet weather gear, warm clothing and warm bedding.
  • If you are coming alone or in a small group and plan to go out into the forests bring compass, maps, and wet weather gear. These items are essential.
  • Access to the Errinundra National Park and surrounds is extremely limited (locked gates on all roads) due to weather conditions, between the months of May to October. Road conditions are available from regional DSE offices (Bairnsdale, Orbost, Cann River, Bendoc) in Victoria.
  • If you can't come to Goongerah, donations are very welcome. Of course, there is heaps to do wherever you are. Contact your local environment group to find out how you can help.

How to get there

We are situated at the base of the Errinundra plateau in the mountains of East Gippsland 70 km north of Orbost on the Bonang Highway.