of Dingo Creek blockade, East Gippsland

This page last updated 28th June 2001

Following images are copywrite to Tony Quoll, please email for reproduction permission

This huge tree is typical of those on the Errinundra Plateau

If the giant trees don't give it away, the presence of groundcover and understory mark this as old-growth

One last Sassafras remains burnt in what was a rainforest gully

This ancient tree is doomed

Forest fucker number 1

The gradings on these logs show the species, diameter and length. CT=cut-tail ash C=sawlog D = woodchip

Looking up a forest giant, home to gliders, owls, possums and parrots

Awesome old-growth, threatened species habitat, rainforest site of significance...clearfelled for woodchips

Rainforest species, Sassafras and Soft Tree Fern, lie bulldozed in a heap. Where's the buffer?

This snig track cuts through Mixed Forest and within 40m of rainforest - both breaches of the Forest Code of Practice

Here the snig track has gone through Mixed Forest and Rainforest and is within 20m of a flowing creek - blatantly illegal

Proof that Powerful Owls roam this patch. After eating a glider and digesting the meat, it chucks up the fur and bone

When trees like this are cut, left and burnt, how can industry complain about lack of resource? Note person at end of log.

It was at this point that I decided we had to blockade.

Click here for more photos of Dingo Creek blockade, 2001

Click here for photos of a burnt coupe

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