Walking The Land,with the peace fire and the sacred run,"all life is sacred".


As the olympic torch traversed the nation another far more significant flame burned - the peace fire.

Led by Arabunna Elder Kevin Buzzacott the historic walk started on the shores of Lake Eyre walking to the Sydney Olympics and to Kernel where Captain Cook arrived on these shores. Carrying the Peace Fire, it was a journey for peace, freedom and healing the land and its peoples. Walking for the sovereign rights of Aboriginal peoples to their land and culture and in honour and respect for ancient rights and law-ways.

A number of us went up to meet the walk in Canberra, with some continuing on to Sydney. Witnessing the meeting of the Sacred Run and the Walk for peace was quite amazing. Ceremonies and stories were shared. The coals from the Tent Embassy Peace Fire had travelled to Aboriginal communities across the country with the Sacred Run. These coals were presented back to Uncle Kevin and returned to the peace fire.

In Sydney the Walk together with the Embassy set up in Sydney were able to get the truth out to a lot of international media (in Australia for the Olympics) about the ongoing genocide and ecocide going on in this country. A re-enactment took place where Captain Cook first landed, followed by a "right way" ceremony on how it should have happened. Bilbo/Michelle


In August this year the Sacred Run came through Nowa Nowa carrying the message that "all life is sacred". GECO catered for the visiting runners and community that showed up. The Sacred Run is a run for peace and solidarity with indigenous people which has run through countries across the world. The purpose of this run was to connect with the Indigenous people of Australia, and together in a spiritual way, try to raise people's awareness towards issues affecting not only the indigenous communities but our future generations and the fragile balance between humanity and the environment. The evening was a great cultural exchange with song and dance.

The next day the run went into Goolengook. After this a number of us joined the run and travelled on to Mallacoota, Canberra and Sydney.

Some of the runners have since spent time in Goolengook and Goongerah. The forests and the blockade have inspired some of the Japanese runners to assist in the campaign. Anthony Amis/Michelle