of Dingo Creek blockade, East Gippsland

This page last updated 28th June2001

Following images are copywrite to Tony Quoll, please email for reproduction permission

We tried to negotiate, but DNRE refused to answer any of our questions, threatening arrests for being in the coupe

Global Greens, including members from Tibet and Russia joined the blockade. They were stunned by the destruction.

Nigel, the leader, walks off disgusted

The support crew is arrested for not providing his name

Media person is arrested without reason, against a verbal agreement and against the law

With the cameras gone, brute force is tried to remove the person locked on. He suffered bruising and abrasion, later had a fit, but did not lock-off.

Removed and arrested, our lock-on hero is lead away. He is a former logger that couldn't bear to see more old-growth trashed.

Police caused these injuries. Note bruising on the forearm, bruising and abrasion of the thumb; that's what we call "excessive force"

Police and DNRE are seen here kicking our possessions across the ground

My tree-sit is cabled to the bulldozer. At lower left you can see an old tree in pieces; stump, trunk then branches, all cut then left to burn

Police Special Rescue were very nice about it all, and had a busy week; busting the Otways blockade before coming here.

Click here to see more photos from Dingo Creek

Click here to see the first page of Dingo Creek photos again

Click here for photos of a burnt coupe

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