

Consensus is the form of decision-making favoured by GECO. Consensus is best used by groups that prefer an egalitarian, horizontal form of organisation.

By definition consensus means general agreement by like-minded peers. It works best when people know and trust each other, or when there are simple and common goals.

Consensus allows the group individually and collectively to "own" a decision. In this way decisions by "leaders" are not imposed on the group.

There seems to always be one problem with consensus: there is usually someone who blocks decisions until they get their own way. This means that sometimes people often give in in order to "achieve consensus" so as to end the meeting and go home. Of course there is always the option of the disagreeing party to "stand aside" and allow the rest of the group to go ahead with a decision.



GECO encourages a horizontal organisational "structure" rather than a vertical one where leaders give orders at whim for mindless followers.

We have no leaders with command and control powers. We are all potential leaders. As decisions are made by consensus, generally speaking, each person has a say in any decisions made.

Consensus does not operate in a vacuum. Knowledge is important. All decisions are based on knowledge, so the more knowledge one has the more informed a decision.

As many of our actions involve the potential for arrest, each person is responsible for making their own decision regarding whether they want to be arrested or not.

Arrestees are responsible for paying their own fines. GECO is involved in organising legal assistance for activists. For those worried about fines, community service is easy to organise.

Also see nonviolence


html by craig.(geco)