.html".html" Boycott Woodchipping Campaign, Old Growth, Rainforests, endangered species

(what not to buy)

This has been summarised from the Boycott Woodchipping Manual


(Paper house, Tomasetti, Daltons, part own Spicers) Currently log Victoria's Central Highlands and Tasmania's north west. The main focus of the boycott is Reflex Copypaper. Most of the paper and packaging products in supermarkets etc. is produced by Amcor. For a full list of brands and products see the Boycott Woodchipping Manual. Avoid virgin fibre products.


Currently logging in NSW.


Other products to avoid.

Avoid Bunnings, McEwans and WA Salvage.

Don't buy Kleenheat Gas.

Don't buy pine from Wespine

North Forest Products

Currently logging in Tasmania

Reflex Copy Paper

(what you should buy instead)


  • Elgas, CIG and Norvac.


  • CSR, Pioneer

    Recycled Paper

  • Steinbels (100% post consumer domestic waste)
  • Cyclus (100% post consumer office and copy shop waste)
  • Nautilus (distributed in Australia as Canon 100)
  • RC 100 Copy Paper (100% post consumer waste, but owned by AMCOR)

    Recycled Stationary

  • Ecopaper (Australian owned)
  • Evolution (contains hemp, straw and recycled fibres) is imported by Spicers
  • Paper, which is 45% owned by Amcor.


    Buy plantation pine produced by growers other than Wespine

    Don't buy any WA native timber species (Jarrah, Karri, marri, sheoak, blackbutt, wandoo, tingle, sandalwood) unless it is recycled.

    Avoid AMCOR-owned Brown and Dureau, Boral Timber and Bunnings and McEwans Hardware stores.

    Not-so-good alternatives

    These products are all produced by Amcor yet are not produced from virgin fibre. As Amcor dominates the domestic paper manufacturing market is hard to avoid buying Amcor. They do not produce a genuine 100% post-consumer recycled paper. Most products labelled "recycled" are pre-consumer waste such as printer's offcuts and are not, strictly speaking, recycled. The Paper House

  • Prologue (100% recycled content)
  • Renew Recycled Copy 100 (at most 10% post consumer waste)
  • Renew Recycled Copy 80 (includes 20% virgin fibre) - AVOID
  • Enviro Board (100% recycled box board)
  • Origin (100% recycled)
  • Origin V111 (100% recycled) VOrigin V111 Laid & Wove envelopes (100% recycled)
  • Recycle 100% Copy
  • Sandpiper (some postconsumer content)
  • Prologue (100% recycled fibre content)
  • Lawson (100% recycled and envelopes) Dalton Fine Paper
  • Clipper 100% recycled Tomasetti
  • Re Right (100% recycled - three types)
  • OZ Copy Recycled (100% Australian Recycled)
  • Environment (owned by subsidery of Kimberly Clarke USA)
  • Recycled Writing (25% cotton 30% postconsumer 45% preconsumer)
  • Recycled Text (30% postconsumer 70% preconsumer)
  • Recycled Cover (30% postconsumer 70% preconsumer)

    Write to the companies and tell them you're boycotting and why, and that you have told family, friends and workmates to do likewise.

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